



Made with sage-infused olive oil, layered with peppermint and gluten-free oatbran. All types of sage have been used for cleansing and purification, complimented by refreshing peppermint.

Named for the philosophy created by Octavia Butler in Parable of the Sower, where she writes that the seeds of all life on Earth can be transplanted, and through adaptation will grow in many different types of situations or places. Similarly, humans can shape and save themselves if they recognize their own power to affect and direct change. Only by conscious effort can we avoid being victims of circumstance.

God is change. Earthseed prepares you to live in the world that is and try shape the world you want. None of it is easy.”

-Octavia Butler, Parable of the Talents

This soap is great for: fresh starts, transformations, gathering all you know you are and moving into your new self.

Cold process soap made with a vegan, palm-oil free base of olive oil and coconut oil.

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